Take Up Your Cross!

Passion Week. The week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. In Latin the word “passio” originally meant “to endure suffering.” And Christ would do just that on His way to the cross. But what does Passion Week mean to you? Is it about the Easter Bunny and eggs? Is it about new clothes? Is it…

Letter from a humble brother

I have lived most of my life seeking the simple, easy way. The way of least pain or effort or both. This has only served to prolong my path to maturity and resulted in less than the best results. The best results only come through being diligently obedient. Life is all about challenges and how…

Fruit Inspection

We are creatures of habit, from our daily routine to the brands we purchase. We are predictable. One of the brands I was loyal to, until Duluth Trading came along, was Fruit of the Loom. I can’t remember a day when I didn’t own a pair of FOTL underwear, and still do to this day….

How Confident Are We In God?

How confident are we in God? Hebrews 11:1; 2 Kings 4:1-7 A single mom with two sons. She is recently widowed, her husband had been a godly man. But she is falling behind on her bills. In the culture she lives in, if she doesn’t catch up on what she owes, the people she owes…

Letter from a donkey

December 7, 2017 Dear Brothers, Several weeks ago, I felt that the Holy Spirit was calling for our group to stop or slow down. I sought counsel on this and after much prayer and discussion decided to make this known. As I look back over these weeks it appears that doing that was correct but…

Question 1: The Prequel

“How often do you read the Bible?” That has been the question for the last few weeks. Well? Do you read it more? Do you read it less? Or do you read it about the same? Do you even read it at all? As we begin a study that will show us how to “Pray…

Thankful. Be Thankful!

“I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” – Psalm 9:1-2 (NIV). There is no doubt about it, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Turkey, dressing,…

Question 1: The Sequel

The plan was to move on to Question #2 this week. That was my plan. Turns out, it’s not what God had planned. It has been a struggle all week to get started writing. Nothing was coming and that is a frustrating place to be. I decided long ago that I wouldn’t force anything, if…

Question 1

“You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilization to pieces, turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature.” – Mahatma Gandhi Chances are, if you are reading this, you are a…

Stay the Path!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Cool temps and changing leaves just seem to invigorate after the heat and humidity of summer. But with the changes also comes the shorter daylight during the day. Well, we have to take the good with the bad. As I left the house around 530AM…

Perception, Perspective and the Church

Perspective and perception have been the topics for the last two weeks. The focus has been how they affect our lives in beneficial and not so beneficial ways. While perspective and perception affect us individually, it also affects us collectively. How is perspective and perception affecting the church, and specifically your church? “He said to…

Perspective & Perception

Since the topic from last week, Perspective, is continuing this week, I thought it only right to include my Pappaw Armstrong. Not only did he have a wooden leg, but he also had false teeth and wore glasses. I remember at a very young age thinking that my Pappaw had to be “put together” before…